Oh, jeez, there he is stalking me AGAIN.

Just ignore him, just ignore him, just...is he coming over here?


This is the second night in a row you've stalked me here. GO AWAY.

Or you could hide behind that newspaper stand and pretend you're not up to something. Sure, go ahead, I'm sure I won't notice.

Can I write ONE page without you showing up?

"I'm here to pick fights with the townies anyway, lol!"

"And THAT is for saying a human centipede is not medically plausible!"

"But it's not, you idiot!"

"In fact, the idea is so stupid that I would rather break my own neck than stand here and listen to it again!"

"Fine. You over there, thinking about rocks. You listen to my genius instead."

"You don't have kids, do you? Because I feel sorry for them if you do."

"She keeps talking, but all I hear is 'BLAH BLAH BLAH.'"

"I don't know, I think she has a point. The middle and end segments wouldn't last long even if they didn't get infected. Man cannot live on shit alone."

"What?! Now YOU'RE criticizing my genius? You're all garbage! Your opinions are garbage!"

"I'm a DOCTOR! You're, what, a musician? I think that I'm better qualified to determine whether or not man can live on shit!"


They left him to fume on his own, so he turned his attention to the nearest chair and began to make rude gestures at it instead.

Sim-Me was unmoved.